Thursday, July 31, 2014

A633.9.3.RB- Polyarchy Reflections

A633.9.3.RB- Polyarchy Reflections

     The fact that the world is always changing and humans are always learning new facts means that leadership strategy will forever be evolving.  Just as leadership models of the past may be outdated, redundant, or incorrect, today’s leadership models may one day be ineffective.  For this reason, one of the most important leadership strategies an organization can implement is to be flexible. Being open to change and new ideas means that an organization can always be operating with the best strategy, highest level of knowledge, and most up-to-date theories and information.       

     Knowing that being flexible is the most important strategy an organization can take, my future leadership strategies will reflect this mindset.  I do not believe in being stubborn, as many leaders I have come across tend to be.  As a leader, one can be following the best strategy every developed.  This leader can know the strategy inside and out and really love the strategy.  However, the next day someone could invent an even better strategy.  It makes no sense for leaders to stick to the strategy that once was “the best” and is the strategy they really like, when there are better and smarter leadership strategies available.  Even though it makes no sense to follow a less effective strategy, leaders do it all the time.  People like to stick to what they know and what they think works.  Therefore, it is important that I remember in the future not to be afraid of change.  New ideas are good ideas, and leaders should be open to change and adapt to the ever-changing world in which we live.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A633.8.3.RB- How Do Coaches Help?

A633.8.3.RB- How Do Coaches Help?
            One of the most important parts of the coaching statement is, “It is necessary to know that clients are the first and best expert capable of solving their own problems and achieving their own ambitions.” This statement supports what Nick Obolensky (2010) writes about the GROW model for coaching.  Rather than directing their clients on what to do, coaches should just guide them in the right direction and help clients find solutions on their own.  Coaching is important for leadership and strategy in an organization.
            Coaching is important to leadership and strategy in an organization for several reasons.  First, the act of coaching itself helps leaders to gain important leadership skills that can only be gained through practice.  Every person is unique and has unique problems, therefore, the more people one coaches, the more experience and skill he or she will gain.  As far as strategy goes, coaching helps clients to learn the skills to solve problems on their own in the future.  Whereas telling a person how to do something will enable them to solve that exact problem in the future, coaching a person will help them to build the skills necessary to solve many different problems in the future.  This long-term benefit of coaching is very important to the strategy of an organization.
            As discussed, coaching can make a big difference in an organization in both improving leadership and strategy, and improving relationships between the people being coached and the coaches.  Coaching makes a very positive impact on an organization, which means that my organization and I need to start taking coaching more seriously.  Right now, coaching is not emphasized by leadership, but if we want to be the best that we can be, we need to start emphasizing coaching. 


Obolensky, N. (2010). Complex Adaptive Leadership. Ashgate Publishing. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

A633.7.3.RB- Leader-Follower Relationship

A633.7.3.RB- Leader-Follower Relationship

Upon completing the exercise in chapter ten of the Obolensky (2010) text, I discovered that when it comes to the four areas of complex adaptive leadership, I tend to lack the S2 “sell” quadrant.  My decisions were very balanced between tell, involve, and devolve, but I only had one scenario where I thought the “selling” leadership strategy was the best.  I am happy with this model because my leadership style has changed throughout this course and I have become much more hands-off, but still kept a balance of taking action when needed. 

What the exercise results say to me is that, though I have progressed as a leader and have mostly well-balanced leadership tendencies, I do need to be aware of my weakness in the “sell” category.  According to Obolensky (2010), the S2 quadrant is high people and high goal oriented.  As a leader utilizing this strategy, I still must be knowledgeable about the solution, but I need to convince people to own the solution instead of just accepting and following it.  This is where the term “buy-in” comes into play.  I need to become a better salesman when it comes to convincing subordinates to support and follow a plan.  In order to become a good salesman, Obolensky says that one must ask questions and listen to subordinates before proposing a solution and just trying to give inspirational speeches about it!

My thinking has changed in that I need to make sure I ask questions and listen to subordinates for solutions to problems.  I need to sell the solutions to them, since that is my weakest leadership area.  If I take subordinate input into account when creating solutions, then the selling part should mostly be taken care of and I will overcome my weakest attribute. 

Finally, my thinking has also changed when it comes to the discussion of the importance of hands-off leadership.  I think every leader has a tendency to want to be involved in the process.  Since most leaders are hard workers, if they feel like they are not working hard, they naturally want to get more involved in order to work harder.  I need to avoid falling for that trap! If an organization is running smoothly and the leadership is not greatly involved and feels like they are not working that hard, then that is a good thing! This means that the organization is performing in the best way possible, and stepping in to do more work as a leader will only make things worse.  

Obolensky, N. (2010). Complex Adaptive Leadership.  Ashgate Publishing. Burlington, VT.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A633.6.5.RB- Circle of Leadership

A633.6.5.RB-Circle of Leadership

            Nick Obolensky (2010) depicts a diagram for a typical vicious cycle for leaders.  I see this vicious cycle happen often in the Air Force.  Leaders take a more hands-on approach and seem to lack trust in a subordinate which then causes the subordinate to lose confidence and lower performance.  It is very similar to a self-fulfilling prophecy created by the leader.  The vicious cycle must be broken in order to improve follower-ship and performance. 
            In the vicious cycle, the follower asks for advice which demonstrates low skill to the leader. The leader then gets concerned and takes a more hands-on approach.  The follower proceeds to have lowered confidence and thinks he must defer more questions to the leader, which just starts the cycle all over again.  A more appropriate cycle or a way to break the cycle would be the leader to ask the follower, “I do not know, what do you think?” Then, when the follower comes up with a plan, the leader could say, “That sounds good, I trust you. You don’t have to worry about asking my permission in the future for problems like this.”  By doing this, the leader is instilling trust in the follower and boosting the follower’s confidence.  The leader also listened to the follower’s idea and proceeded forward with that idea.  The simple act of trust boosts the follower’s confidence which improves his productivity and makes him a stronger employee. 
            It seems like the vicious circle starts with a lack of trust by the leader and a lack of confidence by the follower.  The simple act of placing trust in subordinates and allowing them freedom to make decisions can drastically improve their performance and attitude.  The will of a person improves if they feel they are trusted and counted on.  Additionally, at least in my career field, skill can be improved simply through improved confidence.  Without gaining any more knowledge or training, employees can become more skilled just by gaining confidence.  Often times, employees know the answers or have better ideas or ways to do things, but they are just too afraid to speak their mind.  Confidence and trust are keys to productivity in organizations. 

Obolensky, N. (2010). Complex Adaptive Leadership.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

A633.5.3.RB- Reflections to Chaos

A633.5.3.RB- Reflections to Chaos
            Observing the chaos game video really opened my eyes to what chaos theory means.  Throughout the week’s readings I learned what chaos theory meant, but I never truly understood it until watching the video.  I knew that allowing some chaos could actually become a more effective way of leading than trying to control everything, but I could not think of an example.  Then, watching the video made the light bulb come on and I understood how simple chaos could make things.  The people in the video would never have been able to organize themselves so quickly had a leader attempted to do it. 
            This epiphany made me reflect on some of our discussions this week about organizations and following the eight principles.  I have seen and discussed the micro-managing that takes place in the Air Force, just as Meghan discussed it in the Navy and other students mentioned it as well.  After watching that video, it really became clear to me how detrimental it can be.  For example, there are processes that are enforced that make no sense to me.  I was tasked with compiling a spreadsheet that included all 150 members of my squadron’s remaining semi-annual training.  Think about that task. Going through 150 people’s records to find out what training each person still needed to do.  I asked, “Wouldn’t it be easier if I just emailed each person their record sheet and told them to email me back with what they still needed?” I was told that I had to stick to the rules and the way the process is done, and therefore had to waste hours and hours completing a task that could have taken just minutes if I utilized the chaos of the whole organization. 
            Chaos is the micro-manager’s worst nightmare, but the efficient leader’s best friend.  When leaders are controlling and have to do everything or insist that they hold their employees’ hands through every single process, they are extremely inefficient and a detriment to the organization.  When leaders allow chaos to exist, they allow for a much more efficient organization.  Yes, it is riskier to allow chaos as there may be some mistakes made and minor set-backs, but the results attained from the chaos will far outweigh the small consequences.  

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A633.4.3.RB- Changing Dynamics of Leadership

A633.4.3.RB- Changing Dynamics of Leadership

There is an obvious shift in leadership occurring in which leaders now recognize and accept the fact that most solutions come from the bottom and middle of the company—not the top (Obolensky, 2010). .  Leaders are beginning to understand that their job is to foster an environment that can produce the best solutions and strategies.  Leaders are no longer able or expected to be the “expert” on all company-related subjects, and leaders must turn to their subordinates to create the best solutions. This shift in leadership is occurring because of the better understanding of leadership and what works best, and because of the increased competency and capability of the lower level workers.  However, my organization is slow to adapt to the leadership shift.

The United States Air Force, and military in general, is slow to adapt to the shift in leadership strategies for three main reasons: the strict rank structure of the military, leaders thinking that not knowing answers is a sign of weakness, and the way in which the military promotes people.  The military’s strict adherence to using a chain of command hinders the organizations ability to function most effectively.  People at the middle or bottom of the organization are told to send their ideas or problems up through their chain of command.  The chain of command then filters down these problems and ideas until they reflect the same beliefs the leadership has, or until they are filtered so much that it won’t “displease” the General Officers.  This filtering of ideas is a great hindrance to the progression of the organization.  Also, many military leaders still think of themselves as military leaders did 100s of years ago.   They think that they are the people responsible for making the big decisions because they are the only people who are capable or have the knowledge to make decisions.  They do not need input from the bottom.  Finally, our military leaders are not necessarily the best leaders in the Air Force, and the organization should consider changing the outdated and ineffective promotion system used today.  In today’s Air Force, your leadership ability means absolutely nothing when it comes to promotion, and that is a real problem. 
            Leadership dynamics in the Air Force would have to be altered by changing the way people in the Air Force think.  People should not “fear” speaking truthfully to General Officers, and there should not be briefings given to ensure subordinates do not “say anything out of line” when speaking to leadership.  Additionally, the promotion system would need to be changed to place an emphasis on promoting good leaders, not just people who are good at writing their own performance reports.

Obolensky, N. (2010). Complex Adaptive Leadership. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A633.3.3.RB- Complex Adaptive Systems

A633.3.3.RB- Complex Adaptive Systems

Johnsonville Foods Inc. reflects the image of a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) and it shows by the tremendous success the company has attained.  Johnsonville president, Bill Morgan, leads the family-owned business as it emerges into the global scene.  Nick Obolensky (2010) discusses CAS organizations and how they are dynamic and flexible.  In today’s constantly changing world, it is essential for organizations to adapt.  Johnsonville Foods took the notion of adaptation seriously back in 1982 when the CEO, who made all of the decisions, called in an expert in leadership to help him change the company.  The expert said, “You’ve got to change YOU. Don’t worry about them, because if you act different, they’ll be different” (LeBrun, 2012, para. 2).

Johnsonville Foods took the consultant’s advice and completely changed their organization. What has emerged is a philosophy called the “Johnsonville Way.”  Everybody in the company is required to develop their God-given talents (para.2).  Johnsonville has committed to helping its employees grow through 24/7 access to computers in the company’s “member development center,” tuition assistance, and matching employees with “buddies” across the company (Lebrun, 2012). 

The implications of a complex adaptive system on my organization would be far-reaching.  In the United States Air Force, when it comes to military technology, we are on the leading edge.  However, when it comes to organizational leadership and strategies, we tend to lag behind.  This lag really hurts the organization because of how quickly the environment is changing.  If you look at how organizations were run 20 years ago, you’ll find a good idea of how the Air Force is run now.  Part of the problem with improving the military as an organization is that it is tough to walk the fine line between the discipline and rank structure required for war, and the free flow of information and bottom-up feedback required for efficient organizations.  Many leaders in the Air Force still act like leaders thousands of years ago. I have personally seen leaders who keep information to themselves because they believe that they are in charge of the organization, they should make the decisions, they do not need subordinates telling them what to do, and they are the only people who need to know the ins and outs of what is going on.  In this day and age, these types of leaders drive me mad!  That leadership style is terrible and inefficient because, nowadays, subordinates have just as much access to information, knowledge, and education as the leaders, so not including them in decision-making processes is wasting the talent of the organization. 

In order to move my organization forward, we need to appoint leaders who will make the shift away from the old ways of leading.  We need the highest leaders to implement policies that force other leaders to utilize the organization in the best way possible, as complex adaptive systems.  We do not need egos or the old fashioned leadership style of telling people to “shut up and color.”  We need leaders who encourage change, encourage growth among their subordinates, and encourage ideas, feedback, and knowledge to flow freely throughout the organization. 


Lebrun, M. (2012). “Cover Story-Fun on a Bun.” Insight. Retrieved from <>.

Obolensky, N. (2010). Complex Adaptive Leadership. Ashgate. Burlington, VT.